Information Technology
We live in an age of science. Modern age is an age of science. Modern civilization is the reflection of (Composition name ). it is a blessing to mankind. we can see the wonders of science around us. (Composition name) has made our life easy and comfortable. The invention of science such as Telephone,Computer, internet,Radio,Dish antenna, etc are very useful to our life.
we cannot think of our life with out-------. Description one of the wonders of modern science. it is a popular means of mass communication. it provides us many many things. it has linked up the distant parts of the world. we cannot even think of our modern life without it. Importance/Merits :The importance of -------beggars description. it is a great source of entertainment too.Nowadays it is very popular to all classes of people. we can know instantly what is happening in the farthest corner of the world though has made the world smaller.
it has made our life easy and comfortable. we feel the blessing of it all around us.It has conquered time and distance. we can know the social, political, cultural and economic news of the world through it sometimes it may be used as a part of education. Demerits :In spite of having a lot of merits, -------has some demerits too.sometimes students become addicted to it. that hampers their studies. besides, it may also hamper the moral character of the younger Conclusion :In the long run,some inventions of science have changed our world. The invention of -------is one of them. it is the media of communication that has spread out all over the world. Thus, the utilization,and popularly of it are increasing day by day. The benefits of it have to be reached to the door of people.
we cannot think of our life with out-------. Description one of the wonders of modern science. it is a popular means of mass communication. it provides us many many things. it has linked up the distant parts of the world. we cannot even think of our modern life without it. Importance/Merits :The importance of -------beggars description. it is a great source of entertainment too.Nowadays it is very popular to all classes of people. we can know instantly what is happening in the farthest corner of the world though has made the world smaller.
it has made our life easy and comfortable. we feel the blessing of it all around us.It has conquered time and distance. we can know the social, political, cultural and economic news of the world through it sometimes it may be used as a part of education. Demerits :In spite of having a lot of merits, -------has some demerits too.sometimes students become addicted to it. that hampers their studies. besides, it may also hamper the moral character of the younger Conclusion :In the long run,some inventions of science have changed our world. The invention of -------is one of them. it is the media of communication that has spread out all over the world. Thus, the utilization,and popularly of it are increasing day by day. The benefits of it have to be reached to the door of people.
Composition Name :: Information Technology
- Modern Technology . {life with out-------.}
- Smart Phone . {Discription one of the}
- Smart Phone . {The importance of -------beggers }
- it . {a lot of merits, -------has some}
- Smart Phone . {The invention of -------is one of}
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